


滕晋羽Roxanne Teng (aka. Roxanne Teng, Roxanne T., Roxy T., Jin Yu Teng, Daisy T., J.Y.T., R.J.Y.T, Teng Da),灵魂艺术画家,设计师,教育工作者。毕业于美国时尚设计商业学院Fashion Institute of Design & MerchandisingFIDM)艺术和时尚设计专业。美国纽约SEEME画家协会会员,美国ADSO画家协会会员,北美画院委员。你的故事灵魂艺术商业画廊(Your Story Soul Art Gallery)创始人。美国阳光优才(Sunshine Elite Programs)荣誉艺术总顾问。自五岁起跟随专业版画师等艺术家学习绘画,专业学画二十余年,自2012年起独立创作,潜心钻研,自成一派,擅长灵魂艺术创作,专为有故事的朋友,订制属于心灵的艺术品,用艺术记录人们心中的回忆。

现代灵魂艺术,融合了西方印象派艺术风格和现代的工笔线描画法,用以画来叙事的抽象艺术手段,渲染人们所要表达的情感。灵魂艺术作品内涵丰富,兼具艺术审美及思想深度,甫一出现即受到各界广泛关注。2012年起,灵魂艺术画家滕晋羽Roxanne Teng作品便获得诸多国际艺术联展的特殊嘉奖及拍卖展出。


20129月,作品《Lost》,《One Story》,《Persona》,《QuestandRoad》等五幅作品入选Upstream People Gallery举办的第十四届年度国际抽象艺术联展(在线评审)。其中《Quest》在该届艺术联展中得到特殊嘉奖(Special Recognition)。该展览于201210月起在全球范围内展出。

20137月,作品《红玫瑰》《初恋》《日出》入选纽约SEE ME画廊举办的艺术联展,并拍卖展出。 作品《红玫瑰》被收藏私人家收藏。


2017 6月,作品《围城》《沉睡中的女王》参加 “Tout Genre” 多样人生优才灵魂艺术联展(美国洛杉矶)。

2019 10月,作品《日出》,被中国湖南省株洲市第七中学艺术画廊收藏。

202112月,作品《Get Over, 入选加拿大 “Human Rights 2021” 艺术联展 (在线)。

20222月,作品《Life Touched by God, 入选第11届美国 “All Women” 艺术展(在线),并获得特殊嘉奖。

20224月,作品《Lily Pond in the City of Grace》 入选由非营利机构Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts + Sciences举办的第24届年度国家艺术评审展 “Works on Paper2022(美国新泽西)。策展人:Esther Adler,纽约现代艺术博物馆Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)策展人。20225月起在全球范围内展出。


Ms. Teng, Jinyu Chronology: Growth Experience in Art, Formation of Artistic Style, Soul Art Movement, Art Education and Cultural Inheritance




1991. 02








2005. 05


2005. 10

作品《蝴蝶梦》入选湖南美术出版社出版发行的《湖南少儿美术精品集》(ISBN: 7-5356-2358-1 并被评为优秀作品。

2006. 07






2012. 09

灵魂艺术作品《Lost, One Story, Persona, Quest》,《Road》入选第十四届年度抽象艺术国际评审展(在线),其中《Quest》获得特别嘉奖。


创立Your Story. Soul Art Gallery在线画廊及Soul Art Education项目,艺术创作的同时,推广灵魂艺术教学,普及灵魂艺术


陆续成为New York SEEME Artist Association会员, Art Academy of North America北美画院会员,Arts and Design Society of Fort Walton Beach (ADSO)会员

2013. 07

灵魂艺术作品《Red Rose》《First Love》《Sunrise》入选纽约See Me 国际艺术联展。

2016 - 2019

Sunshine Elite Program Roxanne Art Open Course公益艺术讲座及系列公开课

2016. 03

灵魂艺术作品《Ask Buddha》入选中国华侨博物馆,中国美术家协会等联合举办的亲情中华——北美画院优秀作品展,并捐赠作品于公益基金会。多幅艺术作品入选《亲情中华——北美画院优秀作品集》(ISBN: 978-988-12388-1-8

2017. 06

灵魂艺术作品《Fortress Besieged》,《Sleeping Queen》入选Tout Genre多样人生优才灵魂艺术联展(美国洛杉矶)。

2021. 12

灵魂艺术作品《Get Over》入选 “Human Rights 2021” 艺术联展(加拿大)。

2022. 02

灵魂艺术作品《Life Touched by God》,入选第十一届国际“All Women” 艺术展(在线),并受到特别嘉奖。

2022. 04

灵魂艺术作品《Lily Pond in the City of Grace 入选由Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts + Sciences举办的第24届年度国家艺术评审展 “Works on Paper” 2022(美国新泽西)。



“Resonate with Your Heart” Ms. Teng, Jinyu Artworks Appreciation

(Including Award-winning Artworks and Certificates, Some Joint Exhibition Artwork Collections, Teng Jinyu Artwork Collection, etc.)



Representative and award-winning works 代表作及获奖作品


Fortress Besieged 围城

“Don’t let pain and prejudice trap you in a fortress. Use a pure heart to break the siege and get reborn.”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品

(Exhibited in “Tout Genre” Elite Soul Art Exhibition in July 2017)


Lily Pond in the City of Grace

“‘Life is like a lily pond; you don’t know where leaves grow up inadvertently.’ People say lotus flower rises from mud but is unstained. How is different from people’s expectations?”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品

(Exhibited in the 24th Annual National Juried Exhibition “Works on Paper” 2022, in Loveladies, Long Beach, New Jersey.)


Sleeping Queen 沉睡中的女王

“People should be responsible for their own sins; therefore, God removes sins from the people who are truly repentant.”

Mixed media, original artwork 混合材料

(Exhibited in “Tout Genre” Elite Soul Art Exhibition in July 2017)

Maternal Love 母爱

“‘In front of mother, no matter how many achievements you have, no matter how old you are, you will always be a kid; No matter how many beautiful women you meet, your mother will always be the most exceptional and beautiful one.’ In everyone’s life, maternal love has more meanings.”

Pen drawing, original artwork 钢笔画

(Exhibited in several art exhibitions, since 2016)


“I still quest, what is the real meaning of destiny?

Pen drawing, original artwork 钢笔画

(Exhibited in the 14th Annual Abstraction Juried Online International Art Exhibition in October 2012, special recognition)

(Private collection)



Could you drop your masquerade?”

Pen drawing, original artwork 钢笔画

(Exhibited in the 14th Annual Abstraction Juried Online International Art Exhibition in October 2012)


First Love 初恋

“Love, the only meaning of its existence is itself.”

Pen drawing, original artwork 钢笔画

(Exhibited in New York See Me Art Exhibition in July 2013)


Red Rose 红玫瑰

“The red of rose – A fragile dream

When held in hand, it flows away through finger seams”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品

(Exhibited in New York See Me Art Exhibition in July 2013)

(Private collection)


My Confession

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (‎1 John 1:9 NIV)

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品

(Private collection)


Ask Buddha 问佛

I ask: ‘Why are there so many regrets in the world?’

Buddha answered:

‘Such is a world of Sahā, or regret.

Without it,

You will feel less joy even to bet on more happiness.’”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品

(Exhibited and donated to Overseas Chinese Museum of China (and its charity foundation) in March 2016)


Great Compassion 大悲心

“Dr. Lyu has Bodhisattva heart, saves people and also saves animals; No deep love does not give birth to Sahā, not purest thought is not going to purest land.”

Mixed media, pen drawing with 18kt gold foil, original artwork 混合材料,钢笔画+18K金箔

(Auctioned on a charitable activity in August 2017)


City of Grace

In my dream, there is a City of Grace, which has eternal peace and tranquility. It is harmonious without any dispute, even the war.”

Mixed Media, drawn by gel pen with traditional ink and acrylic, original artwork 混合材料


Sunrise 日出

The beauty of the sunrise is that it is born into the deepest darkness. In the night, it brings a touch of bright color, and there will be a colorful world.”

Watercolor, original ballpoint pen artwork 水彩作品,圆珠笔画

 (Exhibited in New York See Me Art Exhibition in July 2013, Exhibited and collected in a Zhuzhou No.7 High School Art Gallery in Hunan, China in October 2019)


Life Touched by God

I’m a fish. When I left away, do you still remember me?”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品

(Exhibited in the 11th “All Women” Art Exhibition (Online) in the United States, special recognition)


Destruction And Regenesis 毁灭与重生

“Regenesis was born from the previous destruction. It conceives our Earth.”

Acrylic with neon fluorescent paint, drawn by pen with Indian ink, original artwork 丙烯画,荧光颜料与传统墨水结合使用


The Other Side of the Sea 海的那一边

“On the side of the sea, it’s your waiting and concerning.”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品


Desert Pink in Arizona 亚利桑那州的沙漠粉色

“Have you ever seen the pink sky in the summer of Arizona?”

Watercolor, original artwork 水彩作品


What If… 假如

“If you could do it all over again, what choice would you make?”

Oil painting, original artwork 油画


Fire of Freedom 自由之火

Holding the torch that illuminates the road in the endless darkness, it’s freedom.”

Oil painting, original artwork 油画


Parts of Honor Certificates and Evidence部分获奖证书及证明


Works on Paper 2022” Art Exhibition Postcard


Works on Paper 2022” Art Exhibition Brochure


Curator and Juror of “Works on Paper 2022” Art Exhibition, Ms. Esther Adler, Introduction and Juror’s Statement


Teng, Jinyu (Roxanne Teng)’s Artwork Info (No. 63) and Introduction of the LBIF